communication design

to stop climate change

{ design toolbox }

luke massman-johnson





recent work

pmap analysis

Polarity Management wanted to translate its many decades of collective consulting experience into an industry-leading online tool, but what did that mean?

Consulting has always been almost entirely a personal, physical, face-time career, and despite all the technological advances in the past 20 years, the prospect of inventing a digital tool that could bottle the Polarity magic seemed daunting.

One starting point was evaluating the old tools and techniques that still work for the various Polarity consultants in the field. After all, it would be a mistake to throw the baby out with the bath, and in some cases paper and pencil were still the most efficient tool.

2. framework

A first-pass at laying out every step a Polarity consultant and their client take — from initial client contact to post-assessment action steps and client take-away tools. This document gave the entire team a road map, a place for big-picture debate and brainstorming, and our first round of eliminating outdated tools in the PM quiver.

The other thing that became crystal clear was just how much of the Polarity world could — and should — be built and run online.
