communication design

to stop climate change

{ design toolbox }

luke massman-johnson



design archive

ui + ux

rotor 2


1. interface v 2.0: alpha channels

Rotor pushed hard and fast and developed the next big step in their Rotorcast interface — a code architecture that could support alpha channels and layering. This was a major upgrade for our graphics department, unshackling us from the rigid grids and constrictive “stretch points” hidden in every interface we’d designed in the v 1.0 interface.

2. first test

From my very first test, we were heady with graphic freedom! Curved edges, anti-aliasing, repositionable floating windows, drop shadows, translucency and transparency, compound color and textural layers. Woot!

3. unleashed

This was one of those career moments where everything aligned: a brand new, well-funded and exciting business model, bleeding edge technology, and a brain-trust design department with a mandate to do awesome stuff as fast as we could. It seemed everything I designed looked amazing and worked flawlessly! Good times.

4. game design

Rotor flexed the versatility and power of the new Rotorcast software by having me create a game pitch called Enigma using the V 2.0 interface. A massive multiplayer interactive mystery in which Rotor would broadcast key clues and users would follow the bread crumbs. Along the way were embedded advertising and shopping opportunities.