communication design

to stop climate change

{ design toolbox }

luke massman-johnson




green committee

the oaks school annual earth day fair

2. earth day fair information booth

Each year I assemble the Green Info Booth and hang a dozen hand-drawn signs filled with kid-appropriate thought-provoking ‘aha’ moments.

3. the carbon footprint of a single product

While most people understand that recycling is better than trashing, few think about the incredible chain of “externalities” that come with every single manufactured purchase. When you make a decision to buy something, your dollars to say, “YES, I approve of this entire chain, and all the associated effect on the Earth and the climate.”

This graphic also exposes that the true carbon footprint of any product includes the CO2 pollution from every step in the production line, from cradle to grave. The yellow section highlights how small a portion that most people are aware of on a daily basis — buy at the store, then drive home.

Another thing this linear layout is good at revealing is the important distinction in carbon footprint between recycling, donating, and repairing and reusing.

4. friends + food + crafts + activities + teachable moments = earth day!

earth day
